PREVIEW: The Strangers – Prey at Night

One of our most anticipated movies of the year, The Strangers: Prey at Night is kicking off their 2018 marketing push with a brand new trailer. And we’re into it.

While we’re always excited to see Mad Men alum Christina Hendricks get the work she deserves, we’re even more excited to go back to the world of The Strangers, after almost a decade after being introduced to some of the most iconic modern horror tropes in the first installment of the series.

Much like the original, Prey at Night takes place in seclusion, this time during a family’s road trip to an (of course) secluded mobile home park that is (of course) mysteriously deserted. Directed by Johannes Roberts, The Strangers sequel is a huge deal for horror fans and we can’t wait to see if it holds up to its 2008 counterpart.

Take a peak at the trailer, below … if you dare.